Up Late With Oliver

Episode 02: The Up Late With Oliver Spring Break Spectacular



Oliver has gone on holiday but the hustle must go on, live via satellite! This week's show is a mini-sode wherein your boys get down to brass tacks and don't waste time getting to the heart of the matter. Oliver reports from the scene at Spring Break and talks politics, then we chat about bed bugs. Topics discussed include: The Canadian Basketball Anthem, sunshine and beach babes, boats and trains that have haunted Nathan's dreams, Oliver running wild all over his grandmother, a state-of-the-art safedangerous robot lion, membership roles within roving zoo gangs, robot lion vs the zoo gangs, anarchy in Canada, Treeson Boxingdoor, the reason we want sponsors, bedbugs vs Bed Bugs, unfortunate boardgame nomenclature, the hidden meaning behind Hungry Hungry Hippos, diabeetus, and Husker Du The Motion Picture. Don't forget: there are so many ways to engage with our content online and through social media! Follow us on Twitter @oliveruplate Send fan mail or questions for the show to uplatewitholiver@gmail.com Send y