Leadership Revealed

Why You Need To Be Organised To Run A Business



In this episode, John provides some helpful advice on how to be more organised and productive if you want to run a business. As a CEO, John has a lot to focus on, plan and structure into his working weeks and things can change at the drop of a hat. Learning to adapt to these situations and changes is vital if you want to work effectively with other people. Highly organised people make sure they find time somewhere in their day/week to get the important jobs done. However, this is a skill not everyone finds so easy. There are tools out there to help you improve and become a much more organised and productive person. You just have to know where to look! John touches on some of the tools and apps he uses to help him plan his projects, including CRM systems such as Asana. These systems can have a massive impact on the way you work and ensure you finish tasks before they are due. Tune into this episode for John’s advice on what you can do to change bad habits.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Using a CRM system will greatly