Leadership Revealed

Why You Need To Protect Your Own Time



In this episode, John talks about the importance of protecting your own time and why you should be obsessive about it. John talks about the power of no and how using this word can greatly benefit your time management skills. It is impossible to be all things to all people. It is something many of us strive to be, but you only end up spreading yourself too thin. As a boss/business owner/entrepreneur, in most cases you can and SHOULD delegate tasks to the right people. This can only free up your time to get on with the important things you need to do. Listen to this episode for John’s advice on how to protect your own time.   KEY TAKEAWAYS You need to put a lot of time into a project to be able to systemise and recruit effectively. Entrepreneurs and CEO’s have to be real experts at time management.   BEST MOMENTS “If you chase 2 rabbits, you won’t catch either”. “If you’re doing too many deals or you’re doing too many things or whatever it is, then you’re not going to be able to give the best version o