Stories Of The Han




She was tall, white and hip Her name was Ms. Swanson and she would arrive to my house on a weekly basis to teach me the Bible She had me memorize all the names from Genesis to Malachi to Matthew to Revelations She taught me how to pronounce my words correctly in English She introduced me to pumpkin pie I was seven years old. She would drive stick in her Honda Prelude and whisk me away to the local park She would feed me alfalfa sprout sandwiches and homemade iced tea She introduced me to Orson Welles and The Beatles She once took me to Bullocks and bought me a clean linen shirt, a neck tie, a pair of pants and a set of penny loafers I was suited up and ready to preach On weekend mornings, I would walk ahead of her and knock on stranger’s doors and recite scripture She instructed me on how to stand while speaking, chin up, chest forward. This was my childhood, preacher boy in training. And my teacher Ms. Swanson: tall, white and hip; did her part and taught me well.