Talking In The Library

Fireside Chat: Slave Revolt and the Practices of Containment (Cameron Seglias)



Cameron Seglias is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Cultural Studies at the Graduate School of North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. Recent and forthcoming publications have appeared/will appear in the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography and H-Soz-Kult. Research and archival work for his dissertation, tentatively entitled “Paradoxes of Liberty: Antislavery, Print, and Colonial Power in Crisis, 1729-1793,” has been generously supported by fellowships from the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Library Company of Philadelphia, and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. His teaching interests include slavery and antislavery in the eighteenth-century Atlantic world, the history of pacifism in America, as well as modern and contemporary poetry and poetics. Seglias was a Barra Foundation International Fellow at the Library Company in 2019. This chat originally aired at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, August 13, 2020.