Reinvent Yourself To Greatness With Sahar

How to actually achieve your resolutions in 2018?



http://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comWe all make resolutions year after year we go into every New Year probably for the last 10 years. The results are more or less the same every single year.  We stop doing what we are supposed to do by mid February or even end of MarchWe just give up, and wait around till the end of the year again, just to repeat the cycle.Only 3% of people in this universe make their goals and resolutions happen.  There are reasons why we do not achieve our goals, and there are ways that can help us make them happenThe answers are within us to reach. On this podcast we will visit the 10 most popular resolutions that people make.  Why we do not keep our promises that we make to ourselves and the result that we get because of thatWe will also disocver how we can make our dreams come true (at least most of them) with a plan that works for youSee you WED. the 10th at 5 PM - PST