Reinvent Yourself To Greatness With Sahar

3 tips to practice Positive thinking leading to success



http://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comDo you doubt yourself at every step?Do you feel you are not good enough, smart enough, strong enough to take the next step?Do you stay in negative situations (Job, relationship?) because you believe the devil that you know?Do you always look for answers outside of yourself rather than inside of yourself?You hear that little voice inside of your head that tries to guide you but you ignore it?Then this episode is for you.  We all have the instinct to succeed, we all have a light inside of us that can lighten not only our path but the path of others as well.Yet, we remain complacent, or stand still in our place in fear of failing, or being ridiculed, or embarrassed, or losing what we have (though we might not have much). We stay in our comfort zone knowing that it never worked for us, and though we know that Insanity is trying the same old thing expecting different results, and the results do not change, we become more unhappy and even more shy to try new things as our b