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Helping Dyslexia and A.D.D. Students Become Successful With David and Jill Stowell



Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson speak with David and Jill Stowell about how to help Dyslexia and A.D.D. students become successful in school and life.  After 34 years of solving learning and attention challenges for over 10,000 students and their families, Jill and David Stowell can testify that bright but struggling students can become comfortable, independent, and successful in school and in life. They’ve also shown how private practice owners can provide these services in a way that fulfills them on a personal, professional, and financial level. This book shines a light on the issues, the failures of the current systems, and the real hope for what can be done. What Do YOU Believe? Do YOU believe that bright but struggling students can dramatically change or completely correct their learning and attention challenges (ADD, ADHD), including Dyslexia? OR Do YOU believe that students should only be taught accommodations, strategies for living with or getting around the challenges? If you believe that more can b