Elite Expert Insider

Cindy Marvin - Repairenting - Parenting Tips



Expert Parenting Coach and Speaker. Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster interview Cindy and talk about the art of not yelling. How to repairent and have harmony in your home. Cindy is a graduate of the Jai Institute for Parenting. “The mission of the Jai Institute for Parenting is working with families all over the world to give them the education and support to a parent in a new way that is not about exerting control over their children, but rather creating an authentic relationship that is built on a foundation of shared values. We can effectively give the next generation of children the means to grow up with self-confidence, self-worth, self-control, and intrinsic motivation. We will teach parents the ability, every day, to impact the lives of their children in a way that will have lasting effects for generations to come.”