The Chase Jarvis Live Show

How Design Drives The World's Best Companies w/ Robert Brunner



My guest today is Robert Brunner. If you look up “badass industrial designer” in the dictionary, the first thing you’re going to see is his picture. He’s the co-founder + partner of Ammunition Design Group, one of the top industrial design agencies in the world with clients including Lyft, Adobe, Microsoft, AIGA, and so many more. He lead the design of the widely popular Beats brand and built the design practice at Apple - he’s actually the guy who hired the legendary Jony Ive, now Apple’s Chief Design Officer - and he’s a former partner at the legendary firm Pentagram and co-founder of Lunar Design, one of the firms who put design on the map in the Bay Area back in the 80s and 90s. Today on the podcast, *  Why he was so effective at getting top business leaders to understand and respect design * Why the magic ingredient for a successful creative career is soft skills * Some super insightful tips on how to build and develop a world-class design team Enjoy! Show notes and links for this episode can be found at