The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Sell Yourself Without Selling Out with Marc Ecko



Marc is a creative entrepreneur who’s probably best known as the founder of the apparel brand Ecko, which began in his parents’ garage and eventually grew into the largest brand in streetwear with a global footprint and over $1 billion in revenue. He’s also the author of Untitled: Selling Yourself Without Selling Out - the book we discuss in this episode - the creator of a video game called “Getting Up” and the founder of Complex Media. Today on the podcast, * Some super-actionable tactics for promoting your work - one that I really love is Marc’s concept of a “swag bomb,” which is a package that you deliver to someone to get their attention- for example when he’d send some Ecko gear to rappers. * Why the biggest barrier to success is - for most people - a self-imposed one: fear. Specifically, the fear of public or peer ridicule. * The power of humble beginnings. There’s this idea that you have to have best-in-class tools from the jump in order to get your start and frankly, that’s complete bs. Enjoy! Show n