The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Become A Master Communicator w/ Vanessa Van Edwards



Vanessa Van Edwards bills herself as a “behavioral investigator” - what that means is that she is absolutely amazing at unpacking what makes people do the things they do and turning that into proven, actionable techniques for others to hone their own people skills. She’s written for publications like CNN, Fast Company and forbes and is the author of the brand new (and incredibly good) book “Captivate: The Science Of Succeeding With People.” You’ve heard me talk many times about the critical importance of soft skills in building a successful career as a creator, and Vanessa is THE authority on this mega-important topic. Today on the podcast, * She talks about the difference between decoding and encoding emotional signals and how to apply that idea - for example, monitoring the micro-emotions that you are encoding with your body language and facial expressions (if you suffer from RBF this segment is for you!) * Tons of amazing little hacks that will help you hone your people skills. As just one example that tak