The Chase Jarvis Live Show

How To Get The Press + Public To Notice Your Work w/ Ryan Holiday



Ryan is an author, entrepreneur and one of the sharpest marketing minds out there. He got his start working for bestselling authors like Tucker Max and Robert Greene and has since worked with folks like Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, Evan Carmichael, and John Grisham among many others - and he’s written 5 books now including TWO last year: Ego Is The Enemy and The Daily Stoic. This episode was originally recorded back in 2012 when he was promoting “Trust Me I’m Lying,” which was his first book - releasing an audio version now as many of you have requested. Today on the podcast, * Why Ryan dropped out of college at 19 when he realized that he had better opportunities - specifically to go work for American Apparel, where he was Director of Marketing during the era in which they were on fire and really driving a huge part of youth culture * He says “You are your own chief marketing officer” - a great way to capture something that only becomes more true with time, which is that creators have an imperative to PROMOTE