The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Adrian Grenier: You can’t scale if you do it alone



You may know Adrian as the star of Entourage and The Devil Wears Prada, but he also has a lengthy history as a documentarian and entrepreneur who’s made a lifelong habit out of going around, over and through the various gatekeepers that stood between him and his goals. You’ll hear a lot of familiar themes come up in this conversation that are very core to me: the critical importance of building a community of peers who will motivate, inspire and help each other; how mentorship can be a catalyst for progress; and the drive for continuous and never-ending self-education. Today on the podcast, * Why Adrian is a passionate learner, yet dropped out of college when he found that the traditional educational system wasn’t actually educating him * We get into his history as a documentarian - for example, how he got the call for Entourage while trying to sneak into Cuba to make a documentary * How creativity can play a vital role in driving social change. Our special guest Dune Ives of The Lonely Whale Foundation talks