The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Caterina Fake: Teach Yourself



Caterina Fake is best known for being the co-founder of Flickr, which pioneered a ton of the things that we now take for granted on the internet: social networking, tagging, and content surfacing algorithms to name just a few. But like many of us, her career path has been - to say the least - unpredictable. On the way to becoming the co-founder of Flickr, Caterina Fake explored everything from banking to graphic design to writing novels, and she’s now the Chairman of the Board for Etsy, a board member at Creative Commons, and on the board of advisors for the Berkeley School of Information. And while there's a narrative in our culture that this sort of winding path indicates that something went wrong, I believe the opposite - I believe that it creates the sort of eclectic, versatile people who will (like Caterina) thrive in the new "skill economy." Today on the podcast, * How Caterina ended up co-founding Flickr and ultimately selling it to Yahoo even though she grew up as a self-described “artsy girl” - a far