April Eight Songs & Stories

EP 46, "The Lost Fairy Series Story 2: In the Forest du Lutin"



Today's tale is a continuation of our story from Episode 44, “The Lost Fairy Series Story 1, The Tiny Trumpet”. In today's story, the Fairy Prince and his fairy fellows set out on a journey to find a lost friend. They stop for a rest and run into some pixie problems... A sweet, funny fairytale story for your kids at bath time, bedtime, car time, and family time.  An excerpt from today's story:  “Oh no! It’s raining!” said Geraud in a panic, diving under a leaf to keep his wings dry. “What do you mean, I”m not getting wet?” said the Prince. Iris looked up, “That’s not rain, it’s pixies!” she shouted, pointing to the trees above them. Pixie giggles filled the air. Tee hee hee Tee hee hee... “Oh, not pixies!” cried the Fairy Prince! And there, standing on the branches of the tree above the Prince, as naughty as could be, were a dozen little pixies holding buckets of water. And the next thing the fairies knew, they were pouring water all over them. “I knew landing in the forest du Lutin was a mistake,” sputtered