The Sonya Looney Show

The Happiness Horizon: I'll Be Happy When... | Crush It Mondays



This is an episode of Crush It Mondays.  Each week, I’ll bring to you an inspiring message, habit, or contemplation to get your week off to a powerful start.  This week, I want to talk about happiness.  More specifically, I want to talk about what you are linking your happiness to.   The biggest problem is we often assign contentment to the end point of a goal. I'll be happy (or content) when I save $10,000 or I'll be happy when I lose 5 lbs, I'll be happy when I win a race, I'll be happy when I go on vacation.  I'll be happy when I buy a house.  The first problem is that our happiness is outcome based.  We'll only be happy if we achieve a certain result.  The second problem with this is that even if you do achieve the outcome, your brain will rapidly recalibrate to a new normal.  We've all progressed and met goals that we thought would make us happy, but when we get there, it's often not as amazing as we had hoped or we don't feel that contentment we were hoping for. We also look at other people who have mor