The Sonya Looney Show

How to Heat Train for Endurance Events with Balance Point Coaching



Today's guests are highly experienced in both designing heat training protocols and racing in the heat themselves!  With me today is Luke Way and Stacey Shand.  Luke Way is a master bike fitter (he does all my fits), physiology enthusiast, and coach.  Luke performs the Balance Point Assessments you might have heard about in previous episodes which in my experience, is the most informative and modern assessment out there.  He is also a nationally recognized coach that has had the opportunity to work with the Canadian National Triathlon team.  His vast personal race resume is filled with mountain biking, triathlon, running, and skiing. Stacey Shand is a coach and one of the most incredible ultra athletes on the planet. We recorded an entire episode about her exploits around the globe that'll be coming out in a few weeks.  Stacey has finished the Badwater running race twice, has done Ultraman, Double Ironman Triathlons (Double Anvil), raced in the Arctic Circle, and the world's hardest 100 mile running races. S