The Sonya Looney Show

How to Train for the Heat: Part 1 with Dr. Stephen Cheung



This is a 2 part series on heat adaptation training.  I'm racing the Cape Epic in a few weeks and got a late entry.  The heat and the length are the two main challenges I hear with this race (and also staying healthy as with any foreign stage race).  I don't have enough time to change my training or even do a training camp somewhere, but I do have time to train for the heat.  Fortunately, one of the leading researchers in heat acclimation and acclimatization is actually on sabbatical in Kelowna this year.  His name is Dr. Stephen Cheung.  Dr. Cheung is not only a well of knowledge on the topic of environmental physiology, but he is an avid cyclist himself.  He is a professor at Brock University in the Department of Kinesiology.  He also is an author of the textbook Advanced Environmental Physiology and the books: Cutting-Edge Cycling, and Cycling Science.  If that doesn't keep him busy enough, he is the Sport Science & Training editor for In this episode, you'll learn how motivati