The Sonya Looney Show

DocJenFit Esquer : Healing Physical & Emotional Pain with Mobility & Mindset



How well do you know your body?  Dr. Jen Esquer (DocJenFit) believes in empowering people to heal themselves through movement and body awareness.  As a Physical Therapist with a sports focus, she has the equation to our aches and pains: mobility.  Mobility or being able to use our body through its full ranges of motion is often the most overlooked element.  Mobility is what makes up the foundation behind stretching, strength work, and yoga and every way we bend and use our body.  I recently started putting more emphasis on mobility when I realized that all of my recurring aches and pains were related to an inability to move properly.  I also couldn't understand why I could never do a proper handstand despite doing yoga for over a decade.  I learned that I actually can't put my arms over my head properly.  Wake up call: all the yoga in the world won't fix your mobility issues.  I learned mobility the key to shoulder and knee pain.  When I found DocJenFit on Instagram, I was amazed and inspired by her videos.