The Sonya Looney Show

Surviving Cancer & Losing 130 pounds; Life Altering Stories of a Vegan Couple



The decisions that we make can alter the trajectory of our lives... and even our survival.  Dan and Sheanne Moskaluk had a first hand account of the life altering changes that occur when you eat a plant-based diet.  Sheanne was 300 pounds and only discovered elmiinating all animal products by accident.  Her son wanted to get into body building and the clerk at the health foods store encouraged Sheanne to do more research into the Whey Protein she was about to give to her teenage son.  With an inquisitive mine and voracious appetite for reading and information, Sheanne learned about the negative health, environment, and animal cruelty consequences of eating dairy that stemmed to all animal products.  After losing 130 pounds, her relationship with Dan changed as well as how she viewed herself and what was possible.  Their family ate more plant-based meals and everyone felt and looked healthier. Life was better and cruising along a positive trajectory when the unthinkable happened. One morning in 203, Dan woke u