The Sonya Looney Show

Josh LaJaunie: The Personal Power to Lose 220 Pounds, Change Your Life and Even Win an UltraMarathon



Today, I had the opportunity to talk to Josh LaJaunie.  I first heard him on the Rich Roll Podcast about a year ago and was blown away by his story.  I literally had to stop by bike while listening because his story was so overwhelming and his authenticity and passion were contagious.  His story is a powerful one of transformation.  It's about how taking one brush stroke after another can create a beautiful masterpiece.  The Josh LaJaunie you see now is an enthusiastic ultrarunner who has been on the cover of Runner's World, laughed with the hosts on Good Morning America, and how regularly speaks around the country.  He is part of not only the Plant-Based Community, but an even bigger one - how to help people lose weight and create positive change in their lives. Josh wasn't always the man you see today and he'll be the first to tell you that he never imagined his life to take such a fortuitous turn.  He grew up as a self-proclaimed "coon-ass." (more on that later).  Josh grew up in the Bayou close to his fam