The Sonya Looney Show

Secrets to Peak Performance in Life, Sports, Business and Beyond



“Stress is global. It’s really important to not just switch tasks but to try to build some space into your day, into your life where you can really just check out from all of those stimuli... the lowest hanging fruit is sleep. Sleep is so important [for mind, body, and emotional capacity].”     -Brad Stulberg libsyn  Have you ever felt overwhelmed like every part of your day was spiraling out of control and you weren’t enjoying your life at all? I admit that I have, and so have this week’s podcast guests Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness. Feelings of overwhelm and burnout happen to the best of us. In a society that pressures us to do everything and be everything all the time and where we are connected to our devices 24 hours a day, the idea of balance is impossible. We are told to have great careers, be in great shape, spend quality time with our families, cook, sleep 8 hours a night, eat healthy, have a social life and the list goes on. It’s hard to pull the e-brake and take some down time without feeling guil