The Sonya Looney Show

Taking Control of Your Health and Performance with Engine2Diet's Rip Esselstyn



What if you found out that Heart Disease, type 2 Diabetes, most cancers, high blood pressure, and even Parkinson's Disease was preventable and even reversible by changing what you ate?  I found out about 4 years ago and changed my diet. Getting control back over what you thought was simply your genetics is a very powerful feeling.  The answer is eating a plant-based diet. I'm really excited about today's guest, Rip Esselstyn.  He is the author of 3 books and creator of Engine2Diet. Engine2 is an impressive resource and community that gives you everything you could possibly need if you're considering trying a plant-based diet including meal planning. Rip's story is pretty cool.  He is a former world-class Professional Triathlete turned firefighter turned health activist.  Engine 2 was the name of the fire station he worked at in Texas and one of his firefighter brothers was a heart attack waiting to happen.  After 28 days of eating a plant-based diet, everyone at the fire station was healthier and his firefig