Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

78. Maintaining A Calm Inner State When the World Around You Is Not



With the fast-paced and often chaotic lifestyles so many of us live in, do you wonder if it is truly possible to achieve and maintain a state of inner calm? Absolutely. In fact, it’s imperative if you are goal-oriented and want to live a more present, intentional, and connected life that you make managing your inner state a top priority. I have used the same 3-step process for 23 years to live from an inner calm state the moment I wake up each day. This process is simple and scientifically proven to change your brain in real time! It’s the closest thing to the magic pill so many of us need to quiet the noise and be still...and it takes less than 5 minutes.  Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching