Rainbow Valley

Episode 014 - Dr No And The Birth Of James Bond On The Big Screen



The story of James Bond on the big screen is a tale of highs and lows, ups and downs, twists and turns.  The story of the making of the movies themselves is worthy of an Ian Fleming novel in its own right.  It is the story has taken over sixty years to tell, and is still being told today. As important to this story as Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton, Brosnan and Craig is the story of three other men.  The three men who between them managed to bring one of the most successful and well-loved movie franchises to the big screen. No journey into the world of cinematic Bond can begin without a look of the importance of Messrs’ Fleming, Broccoli and Saltzman.   To many people, James Bond is only an entity that can be found on the big screen. This, of course, is not the case. Bond was born long before 1962 when Sean Connery first introduced himself to Sylvia Trench at the casino in Dr No.   Many have said that Ian Fleming himself was the basis for the character of Bond, but as you will soon hear, the inspiration for