Rainbow Valley

Episode 009 - The Making of Breakfast at Tiffany's



  THE MAKING OF BREAKFAST AT TIFFANYS   The 1960s heralded in a new era in a variety of ways. Society and political events influenced the cultural and art world throughout the decade. The early sixties would begin to be seen as the start of the permissive age. Lady Chatterley and the pill would nudge open the door to  a new world of liberation that would reach out to people’s attitudes, the way they dressed, the music they listened to and the movies they would watch.   1960 brought us Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, which whilst giving the world of celluloid its first flushing toilet; it would also foreshadow an age of more open-minded sensibilities. But just how much would the movie going public be prepared for an adaptation of a novella that told the story of a New York prostitute, her devoted gay best friend, Japanese landlord, and her cat. With Audrey Hepburn in what could potentially have been a career destroying, but eventually became the career defining role of Holly Golightly, the world was more than read