Rainbow Valley

Episode 007 - Martin Luther King and the March for Freedom



    Rainbow Valley is a monthly podcast where your host, Scott takes a look at key events and personalities that shaped one the most influential, vibrant, tumultuous and swinging decades in history. Join us as we celebrate the 1960’s with the stories surrounding the music and news events of the decade that shook the world.   On October 14th 1964, African American civil rights leader Dr Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace prize for his nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice in America. At 35 years of age the Georgia born minister was the youngest person to receive the award. Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta in 1929, the son of a Baptist minister. He received a doctorate degree in theology and in 1955 organized the first major protest of the civil rights movement: the successful Montgomery Bus Boycott. King adhered to Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolence and promoted nonaggressive civil disobedience to racial segregation. The peaceful protests he led throughout the American South were o