Rainbow Valley

Episode 003 part one - The Brian Epstein Story (1)



    Rainbow Valley is a monthly podcast where your host, Scott takes a look at key events and personalities that shaped one the most influential, vibrant, tumultuous and swinging decades in history. Join us as we celebrate the 1960’s with the stories surrounding the music and news events of the decade that shook the world.   Liverpool legend tells the story of a young eighteen-year-old lad by the name of Raymond Jones. The story goes that on Saturday 18th October 1961, Jones walked into the Whitechapel branch of NEMS, the Liverpool music store and asked for a copy of My Bonnie by a group called The Beatles. The manager behind the counter at the time was Brian Epstein and he prided himself on the fact that any record could be ordered. Unable to track down any trace of the record at the time coupled with two further requests for it that afternoon prompted Epstein to investigate further. An investigation that would lead him to the Cavern Club and meeting with John, Paul, George and Pete. I say legend, because th