Leadership Revealed

How To Grow And Scale Your Business



In this episode, John provides his top 5 tips on how to grow and scale your business. There is so much that goes into growing and scaling a business and narrowing it down to John’s top 5things was a challenge. These tips will allow you to understand the path you need to take to successfully do this. John places a strong importance on getting feedback from your staff – good and bad. Accepting the feedback and suggestions from your staff, although sometimes hard, will make a difference to where you want to drive the business. Are you open to new ideas? Are you willing to accept change in order to benefit the business? Tune into this episode for John’s advice on what you should be doing to drive your business forward.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Being open to change is very important. If it’s not your idea that is the best idea, that’s ok. It’s about getting your business to where it needs to be. Take time to understand your staff’s ideas about the business.   BEST MOMENTS “If you’re not open to change or suggesti