Tara Lee Davis's Podcast

Wee Little Men and Whataburger Wrappers



God created each of us to live legendary lives; lives that are full and rich, far bigger than anything we could ever hope for or imagine.  What if our tiny stories of pain and brokenness were actually apart of something much bigger that we can't always see and understand?  We will never live out the part we have to play in this big story if we don't understand the Story that's being written and you cannot possibly understand the Story when you don't know the Author.  Because there are going to be chapters of your story that are hard and painful, confusing at best.....but when you know the Author, you can point back to their heart and trust that they are writing something far better than you ever could.  So what does a wee little man and Whataburger wrappers have anything to do with it?  Everything, because it's all a part of knowing the Author of our stories.