Leigh Martinuzzi

1013 The Five Lost Superpowers with Corena Chase & John Reid



The Five Lost Superpowers There is a well of untapped potential inside you, just waiting to be unleashed. Everyone has superpowers when they are a child. We tend to lose them as we grow up, but they’re always there, right below the surface, ready for us to reactivate them and fully manifest our human potential. Learn to reclaim your own superhero birthright with The Five Lost Superpowers. My conversation with two of the co-authors of The Lost Five Superpowers. Connect with John and Corena here. Who are the JMRG Four? Wherever authenticity and compassion have been forgotten…wherever curiosity is stifled or playfulness is banned…wherever resilience finds itself in peril…the champions of the JMRG Four will be there to answer the call. (Literally. They all have cell phones.) Together, John Reid, Andrew Reid, Corena Chase, and Lynae Steinhagen have sworn to help restore the lost superpowers of humanity—and to have a lot of fun along the way. They hope you find this book as enjoyable to read as it was to writ