Leadership Revealed

Sales and Marketing



In this episode, John talks about the similarities and differences of sales and marketing, why they should work so closely together and even provides some great advice on creating the best strategies and marketing plans. Having a strategy in business is vital. The most vital perhaps. You need to know where you want to go with your business and a strong strategy will help you do this. John has spent a lot of time concentrating on these areas of the business in the last few years. He knows how important these areas are to get your brand message out there. Do you know your demographic? What does your current strategy REALLY do for your business? Tune into this episode for some sound advice on what you should be focussing on.   KEY TAKEAWAYS The differences between sales and marketing are quite subtle and closely linked. Communicate effectively and consistently.   BEST MOMENTS “It doesn’t matter if you’re in car sales, if you’re a Double-Glazing Salesman or even an Estate Agent, if you get your message