Leadership Revealed

We Just Bought Another Business!



In this episode, John delivers some great news…a new business has just been acquired! This is always an exciting time and John goes into detail on how the deal was found, how the deal was negotiated and what the deal means – some tips and advice you will be able to take away with you! Obviously, John can’t go into too much detail, but he does provide you with some great behind the scenes information. Acquisitions are a big part of John’s business strategy, and he even explains in this episode that although organic growth is great and does happen, pushing forward and acquiring a business is the way to go and what you should focus more on. Are you looking to buy a new business? Do you want to improve your negotiation skills? Tune into this episode to hear the announcement as well as what you can do to work on your acquisitions in 2022 and beyond.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Don’t just rely on organic growth to grow your business. Put yourself out there and push forward with doing it your way.   BEST MOMENTS “Acq