Tara Lee Davis's Podcast

Cauliflower Pizza and Puke



Just because you slap some tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese on it doesn't mean it's pizza. As God's children, we often wear masks, unsure of who we really are and what our lives are about. God created each of us to look like Jesus, sound like Jesus, and even smell like Jesus. But so often, we walk around reeking of vomit because we return again and again to the same sins that never satisfy. What would it look like if we understood who we really are as God's children and took the masks off? Jesus endured the brutality of the cross because our lives weren't a game to Him. The prodigal son, after squandering everything the Father had given him, realized that all he ever needed was found in the Father. When the prodigal son failed to understand who his father was, he had no clue who he was and when we walk around not knowing our true identity we end up squandering the very thing that was meant to be a blessing.