Movers + Mavericks

Regenuary is for Life - Episode 117 - Glen Burrows aka The Ethical Butcher



Hey there and welcome to the we move podcast. So we've had a few weeks off for the start of the year coinciding with a few weeks of waiting for our guests to become available. So this week we are continuing our conversations about food and farming, all linked with the podcast titled Staying Alive in Toxic Times. and because, food is super important for us all as it is the root of many of the problems regarding health and wellbeing. Todays episode we speak to Glen Burrows founder of Ethical Butcher who we have had on a couple of times, but this episode is specifically to talk about Regenuary which is the initiative for the month of January to raise awareness and encourage us to buy our food from producers who follow a Regenerative approach to farming, because the food is better for us and the process is better for the planet. What always strikes me is how these ideas for eating, getting healthy, or back in shape tend to be just for a month in the year, rather than a way of living and a constant practice.