Eat Green Make Green Podcast

Episode 60: Dr. Justyna Sanders & Serving Humanity



"If there's one thing that anyone can do for themselves and for their health, the strongest most profound change you can make is your diet."On this week's episode of the Eat Green Make Green Podcast, I sit down with the super knowledgeable Dr. Justyna Sanders. Dr. Sanders is a California-based medical doctor who is a visionary and advocate for the field of medicine and the health of humanity. She is the founder of, whose objective is to provide life-saving information, promote health, wellness and prevention via evidence-based recommendations. We talk about Dr. Sanders' personal health journey, how a lecture by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn changed her approach to medicine, her five pillar lifestyle approach to healing oneself, why change in the healthcare system comes down to the individual, and why she's on a mission to serve humanity. There is so much high quality information in this episode about how diet impacts your health. Dr. Sanders is amazing and