The Sonya Looney Show

Understanding Impostor Syndrome and How to Deal with It



Impostor Syndrome - you've heard of it. You've probably felt it. It happens when we discount our ability in a certain area or areas, despite obvious evidence to the contrary. For example, I've been World Champion. I've won major races around the world. I've been US National Champion 4 times. I have been a paid professional athlete since 2014…. and yet at times… I still do not feel like I am a “real pro.”  Boom. Impostor Syndrome. Imposter Syndrome shows up in many areas of our lives (even if we have advanced degrees, tons of experience, and heaps of success). It can be paralyzing and prevent us from getting started or going after our goals and dreams. In this episode, I talk about: The 5 Types of Impostors Other Reasons We May Feel Like Impostors  What Do We Do About Impostor Syndrome?   When Impostor Syndrome isn't a Problem