Radio Clash Revival

Episode 28: Neil Edition



Eve Parker Finley - Icarus feat. Ah-mer-ah-su Sneaky Sound System - Lost in the Future Laura Marling & Johnny Flynn - The Water Barrie - Geology United Future Organization (UFO) - My Foolish Dream Red - La Moneda Cléa's book - Green Grass Running Water by Thomas King Neil's book - A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth and also A World Undone by G. J. Meyer and Seveneves by Neal Stephenson Jamie's book - Behemoth: A History of the Factory and the Making of the Modern World by Joshua Freeman Suuns - Trilogy Susana Baca - Maria Lando The Halluci Nation ft. Yasiin Bey, Narcy, and Black bear - R.E.D. Lorde - Mata Kohore (Stoned at the Nail Salon) Yusef Lateef - Love Song From Spartacus Sylvan Esso - Die Young