Stansberry Investor Hour

Be Careful Out There



Today, we welcome Broyhill Asset Management President and Chief Investment Officer Chris Pavese to the Stansberry Investor Hour. It has been three years since Dan and Chris last spoke on our show. And needless to say, a lot has changed in the markets and the world since then – including a pandemic, war, and economic turmoil. As a seasoned industry veteran who has guided his clients through previous cataclysmic financial events, Chris has some advice to offer novice investors...   He explains the big mistake fledgling investors make is "chasing the most spectacular returns" and looking for advice from people or places that "put up great numbers in bull markets" while ignoring their performance during bear markets. After all, he says, "The most spectacular returns of 2021 are posting the most spectacular losses this year."   Chris and Dan both agree that focusing on finding value in a market environment like this one is your best bet. That's the kind of research Chris' firm Broyhill specializes in... like exami