Zoomer Week In Review

Reinventing Aging & Renaming Cancer



It's more proof that traditional retirement, and especially retirement planning, is long gone. JP Morgan told its asset management advisors ''to plan for clients to live to 100 if they are in excellent health and non-smokers.'' This caught the attention of David Cravit, vice-president at ZoomerMedia, who's written books and blogs about the ''reinvention'' of aging. AND Prostate cancer is the 4th most common cancer in Canada and in men it’s number one. A new medical paper published in the American Journal of Clinical Oncology is reviving debate about dropping the word ‘’cancer’’ when patients receive the results of low-risk biopsy findings. For a Canadian perspective, Bob Komsic spoke with Dr. Tony Finelli, Surgical Oncologist at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and head of the Urology Division.