Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

100. Leading From a Heart at Peace



To celebrate our 100th episode, I’m sharing a hot topic that I am passionate about and that I’ve never shared until today!  It has to do with how we approach solving our problems, fixing our relationships, and advancing results.   I am bringing this up because our life is filled with problems to which we spend our days seeking solutions.  All day long we seek to fix things — the economy, security, our children, our marriages, those we manage.  The reason so often we remain mired in our problems even when we have exceptional solutions is because of what happens BEFORE we seek to fix the problem.  In other words, it has EVERYTHING to do with how we approach these problems for which we believe we have the answer.  As a leader, it is no longer enough anymore to simply ‘fix it’ or ‘get it done.’  It’s not enough to find and execute the ‘right’ solutions.  It matters how we got there. Do we create war or bad blood or bad sentiment or do we cultivate trust and peace in the process?  It matters because an intelligent