Ladies Talkin’ Leafs

Win It For JT



The first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs typically delivers all kinds of drama and this series between the Leafs and Habs, had all the makings of a historical matchup. No one could've predicted what would transpire in the opening period of the game one. So, how are we doing LeafsNation? If you're still recovering, we feel you. Seeing what happened to our Captain had everyone holding our collective breath. On the ice and up and down their bench, his teammates appeared visibly shaken.  But they rallied, and we prayed, and so far things are looking up. In this episode we're looking at how things have unfolded, beginning with John Tavares' injury, and giving you our thoughts on the Series so far. We're also delving into how the Team has responded and which players we feel have elevated their play. We'll wrap things up by looking at the strategy and possible adjustments on the Canadiens side of things. As an extra bonus, we're giving you the results from our Playoff Poll questions from games one and two. It's b