Ladies Talkin’ Leafs

It's All About the Playoffs



As we head into the home stretch, enroute to the Playoffs, things are starting to round into form for our Leafs. With good showings from our veteran group and new addition Nick Foligno, the Ladies are looking forward to the Team wrapping things up, and clinching home ice for the second season. But before we get there, to start things off, we'll give our thoughts on this latest segment of games, and roll the Ladies Talkin' Leafs Highlight Reel. Then, in The Third Period, we'll find out why Chris is so steamed about the NHL's plans for potential venues in the Conference Finals and Stanley Cup, and give our thoughts on the cancellation of the Women's World Championships. It won't be long now LeafsNation. We'll soon find out what our boys are really made of. Bring. It. On!