The Sonya Looney Show

My Return to Racing, 4WD Mode, and Traveling with 2 Kids



My return to mountain bike racing after having kids has been so much fun! It's also had its fair share of challenges. I sat down with my husband, Matt to talk about what it's been like going from 1 to 2 children, traveling and racing with 2 small children, and the lessons we have learned along the way. We talked about expectations, how pre-race routines and rituals are now different (and messy), and what we are learning to make traveling with kids a little bit easier. We also recapped my High Cascades 100 race (my first race back after kids) as well as the Emerald Mountain Epic. And now? I'm prepping for Breck Epic. It'll be my third time racing it although it's been 9 years since my last Breck Epic experience (and win!).