The Amanda Collins Podcast

The Healer: Aligning with the Land and Stars



Beloved, this magical episode contains so much wisdom from Alexandra Berthault who is the Goddess of changing and incorporating different careers! Alexandra who came from a Financial background dived enthusiastically into Crystal healing and holistic approaches and became a nutritionist and mother and found Feng Shui as she diverged into the wellness of homes. She’s had this purpose to give back to others etched in her heart from an early age so this curve in careers truly brought her home to healing in all aspects.  Alexandra came to our retreat in Ireland for Geomancy and Land healing and found that between Flying Stars, Healing and the experienced modalities she had combined, the land was still a vital aspect to overall healing. She shares how she incorporates this in her everyday life and services. If you’re a healer, massage therapist, acupuncturist, life coach or perhaps a yoga instructor, Feng Shui can improve the quality of your services as well as your client’s wellbeing, hear it from a unique heal