Empty Checking With Derek Brink

Episode 131 - The Fab 15 Movies of 1989



In this episode, I'm joined by my brother Dave for a Fab 15! This week, we're counting down our respective Fab 15 Movies of 1989. '89 is widely regarded as the biggest blockbuster movie year EVER, and we decided to tackle deciding which are the ones that are REALLY worth talking about. To us, anyway. Your opinion may differ. :) If your opinion does (or does not!) differ, feel free to express it at the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com or by e-mailing me at db@derekbrink.com, where I almost always reply. No time index this week, both because it's all just the one topic, and because I spent about 9 hours editing this thing and listening to it again to create the time index would've made me crazy...thanks for your patience with that! And enjoy the show!