Moody Presents

2022-09-24 Bullseye Living: Do All Spiritual Roads Lead to Heaven? Part 2



Thanks for joining us for more Moody Presents with Dr. Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute.  It does seem, more often than not, that those who are opposed to God seem to be making it just fine. Meanwhile, you may be praying, reading your Bible and seeking the Lord, but struggling just to get by. It’s a frustrating dilemma, but Pastor Mark has some good perspective on it a bit later in the message as he continues his teaching from 2nd Peter chapter 2. It’s all under the heading and question, Do All Spiritual Roads Lead To Heaven? He begins today talking about the need to be VERY careful when it comes to who you are listening to or who you’re being influenced by in the faith--there is only ONE way to God. Here’s Pastor Mark Jobe in part two of today’s edition of Moody Presents.See for privacy information.