Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

104. Establish Better Connections By Understanding The Neuroscience Of Engagement



As leaders, we want to positively connect with, influence, and impact others. But, getting individuals to feel comfortable to engage with us isn’t always easy.  There’s an evolutionary reason for this. If people are not sure of their situation, they will default to reading it as unsafe and retreat.   Whether it’s your direct report, your boss, or even your child, there’s something essential that you must know that precedes every good interaction: the other person must perceive you as safe to engage with. But, in a world where so many things are perceived as a threat, how do we not appear dangerous too?    In this episode, I’m sharing with you my simple 4-step S.A.F.E. process that the savviest managers and most effective leaders use that will drastically increase the quality of your engagements and allow others to not only feel safe but truly empowered by you.  Our mission is to help you become unstoppable so you can do the best work of your career while you enjoy more inner peace and freedom. Head to ritahyl