Leadership Revealed

How You Do The Little Things Is How You Do Everything



In this episode, John speaks about a popular phrase that he lives by, “How you do the little things is how you do everything.” The little things in life count. They can tell you a lot about a person, how they treat people, how they think etc. Things that we consider to be little and less important can also be hard for a lot of people to do but you can work them into your day. After all… they still need to be done! John starts the day with a freezing cold shower. Not the most enjoyable way to start the day but the benefit he gets from it, out ways the minute it takes to have the shower. John built this into his routine and does this every day because it helps him start the day right. This is a little thing, but it makes a difference. It’s worth doing. Here, John provides advice on how you can work to build the little things into your daily routine. You’d be amazed by how much this well help you. Could you improve your routine? Tune into this episode if you want to work on this area of your life.   KEY TAKEAWAY